What is Biofeedback?

3D diagnostic assessment is the most impactful service offered here at Lakeside Natural Health. The technology is so advanced, it’s almost hard to believe, even I was skeptical at first. I was professionally trained in biofeedback by a highly skilled naturopath. While I watched him assess clients, I wondered how all these numbers and graphs were possibly detecting health conditions in the body. I watched and listened, but the true understanding came when it was my turn to be screened.

As the Doc read through the array of numbers and charts he saw that I’d had mono in college, and told me I had a bladder infection. Here’s the kicker, I didn’t tell him anything about my health. I had mentioned to doctors for about a year prior that I had some abdominal pain, and even after 3 visits and urine tests told me nothing was wrong. The naturopath told me an herb to take, and it cleared the pain, completely gone.

My master’s degree is in Herbal Medicine, so natural health isn’t new to me, but there was something special in his machine that set off and excitement and thirst for knowledge in me. After training, I knew I wanted to share this gift with the community and the people I care about. Imagine the implications if conditions could be detected in such early stages before there are noticeable symptoms! Imagine the benefit pediatric preventative care could have on the future generation by optimizing their health now before any bad habits arise.

I began research on the biofeedback machines, months worth I’d say (I’m very analytical when it comes to big decisions). I ended up purchasing a system that scans the body in 3D, down to not only the cellular level, but the DNA and chromosomes inside. My original desired major in college was Genetics and the ability to see into the body so clearly is an excitement like no other. Not only that, but because each client is unique, new clients may be screened on the cellular level in tissues that may not have been screened before. The multitude of possibilities are endless.

So what does that mean for the client? Let’s talk about the biofeedback experience. When you come into Lakeside Natural Health you’re seated comfortably in a reclining massage bed with a blanket if you like. You can rest comfortably to the sounds of nature, a meditation soundtrack, or engage in conversation. You’ll wear a pair of over ear headphones that won’t affect your hearing. The headphones send signals through the body to scan the body systems including the brain, heart, lungs, stomach, joints, eyes, teeth and so on. You won’t feel a thing nor is there any radiation like an x-ray or MRI. If the screening finds a point of concern, it will go deeper into the tissue, the cells, and the DNA to discover the source.

Through this research, the computer can see visually areas of concern, as well as lists of potential issues, allergies, and supplements that may benefit your unique body. You can choose if you would like a general or a detailed list. If you are the type of person who may be prone to worry, you may want a general list. If you’re taking your results to a doctor, you would want a detailed list. It’s important to understand that if a condition comes up on the list, it doesn’t mean that it’s an emergency. The detection on this device is very sensitive, so it can see biomarkers for conditions before they become intense enough to show symptoms. By finding these markers and improving the health, many of the conditions can be reduced before reaching the point of ill health.

The diagnostic assessment is only the first part. After scanning the body, the therapist can use the same technology to provide healing energy to that precise location to promote healing in those areas. As a Master Herbalist, she will also provide a list of some foods to avoid, foods to eat more of, and supplements that would help bring your body back into balance. This whole process is done while you rest and relax.

Once the session is complete, you will review the list of information and suggestions. While Lakeside Natural Health does not yet sell supplements, we can direct you to some reputable and cost effective sources that meet your needs. After the session you may feel more alert and energized. In order to retain that feeling, focus on gentle activity and healthy nutrition as best you can.

Biofeedback sessions should be done about every 6 months. Children who are healthy would be at once per year, adults every 6 months, and adults with chronic health conditions or seeking to benefit more frequently could come as often as monthly.

Between sessions, we offer Health Counseling services for a regular check in on any topic from nutrition to anxiety, relationships, executive functioning and so on. The goal is to help clients live their best lives with a holistic approach. We’re here to support you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email:

Lakeside Natural Health



If you’d like to book a session you can do so directly at:



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